Tag Archives: Dissociation

To any old followers, I’m now blogging somewhere else

I now have a new blog. Well I’ve had it for years, but just in case any of you are still reading this one, I never post in it now.
so my blog now is over at

So you can feel free to come on over and follow along!
Hope to see you all there!
carol anne

I’m now blogging somewhere else

Hi everyone
I don’t know if anyone still follows this blog. But I don’t update this one any more. I now blog over at therapy bits. The address is


If you want to follow me over there.
I’m still writing about therapy, about my life, about my dog, living with mental illnesses, etc.

I’m still doing what I did when I had this blog. So if you’d like to follow along, please feel free.
carol anne

contact from my followers

I don’t blog on this blog any more. But I would love it if people who were followers would contact me. either by commenting or emailing me. if you comment I will email you with a link to our new blog.
we are still blogging about therapy, doctor barry, and life in general.
We are still hanging in there…somehow.
To anyone reading this, please email me on
or send me a comment.

Overwhelming dissociation

I’ve been going around feeling quite dissociated today. Not sure why that is but its very concerning. My head is fuzzy. My mind is racing. One minute I am thinking about something intensely, the next my mind is a blurr. I’m finding that my concentration isn’t there and its become increasingly hard to try to stay present. I really hate this. Life feels so unbearable right now. I hate the fogginess of my mind, the intensity of my emotions. I just want to go home and not do any college work. I just want to relax and try to calm down. It feels so overwhelming. I have about another four hours before the day is over, and even then, it isn’t really over because I have to go see Dr Barry. Sigh.