Tag Archives: Exercise

Frustrated with my weight loss

I’m just finished seeing Karen who is my nutritionist. After losing 2 pounds last week, I was thrilled, but this week, I am up a pound. It is so frustrating. I am not losing as fast as I’d like. Karen has a theory as to why. A few years ago I got my gall bladder out. Well, she says when you don’t have a gall bladder you cant break down fat, your body is able to do it properly. So she advised me to use lecitan seeds. They help break down fats. She thinks I am losing weight in some parts of my body but not around my waste. She also thinks my increased exercise is building muscle and as you know muscle weighs heavier than fat. Its just so annoying. I want it to go quicker than it is going. It is not for lack of trying. I cant try any harder, literally. We’re going to keep working weekly because I told her when I go weekly I have more motivation. Plus it is helpful for me to see someone every week. It keeps me on track and on target.

Weight loss this week

Just saw Karen the nutritionist. I had a pretty good week, both in regards to food and exercise, so I was hoping to be down a couple pounds. After four weeks of staying steady, and not losing anything, I was hoping to see some results. And I did. When she weighed me I was down by 2 pounds. I was so thrilled about that. 2 more pounds to go to be down a stone, that’s 14 pounds in total. Its great to be seeing results again. I think increasing the exercise really helped, as well as eating more fruit and vegetables. I couldn’t believe I’d lost weight, since I had my cousins 18th birthday party last Sunday and I’d eaten a slice of cake with cream and chocolate in it. Other than that though I hadn’t really had anything bad this past week. It feels good to be back on track again.

Weight loss update

So last Friday I went to the nutritionist like I do every Friday. She weighed me. Unfortunately, I’m still stuck at the same weight and have been for the past four weeks now. Its so annoying and frustrating but I guess the good thing is I am not gaining weight. Maintaining is better than gaining IMO. The other good news is I am losing inches off my waste. On Friday I had lost another inch, that brings it up to 3.5 inches gone off my waste since I started. That part I am ecstatic about. I’ve been working real hard at exercising and doing it regularly. That part I don’t find easy as motivation is a struggle for me. I did eat some cake this weekend so I’ll have to work extra hard on the treadmill this week. I’m also trying to get an exercise bike, because I think if I had more options and could switch around and change it up a little I’d be more motivated. I’m back to Karen again this week and if I am still stuck I’ll cry.

Struggling with my weight

saw the nutritionist today. She weighed me. i’m stuck at the same weight now for the past 2 weeks. I cant believe it. I’ve been working so very hard. Eating right. Exercising. Doing all the right things. And this week I didnt lose a pound. Its so disheartening. It makes me want to bawl. I’m so very disappointed. It is so very hard to do this weight loss programme. It triggers all sorts of things around food, eating, and it also triggers tons of emotional reactions. The nutritionist said I am doing great. Keep it up and dont lose hope that next week I may see good results, that sometimes it takes a week or two of staying stuck before your metabolism moves again and you start to lose. She was also saying I am building muscle. That doesnt help me. Right now I dont care I just want to see the result on the scales. I feel like crying. I dont know what I need to do because I’ve been good with my food and exercise so what more can I do? Increase my exercise? I’ve been doing 15 to 20 minutes on the treadmill most days. Just feeling irritated and disheartened about it. I kind of feel like quitting but I know thats just my irrational brain talking. It would be terrible if I quit now and undid all my hard work. At least I didnt go up in weight…thats one positive.

So I had my weigh in today

So I got weighed today, And I got a great result. I was down 1.5 pounds. Considering I was on vacation and had a couple of treats, I think thats brilliant. Now I just need to motivate myself to exercise more. I think if I exercise more I will see even better results. She measured my waste too. I am down 3 CM since I started. That is 1.5 inches. She told me that one inch is a dress size. So another half an inch and I’ll be down 2 dress sizes! Yay so proud and happy. We set some new goals. I decided for the next six weeks I’d work on my exercise, and hopefully up it and really start getting into it. I’m doing ok with both food and my water intake. I dont think I need much guidance there. I joked with Karen that I could probably teach her group for her, she runs a group each friday for people who are losing weight. I prefer individual sessions though. Not sure I’d feel comfortable in a group setting. Overall though I am happy and very pleased with my results.