Glossary of did terminology

Age Sliding a person in a DID system who’s age can change depending on their feelings at the time. This can be either backward or forwards.

Alter – a person with-in a DID system, an alternate personality. Also referred to as an Insider/Part/Other
Blending – a temporary type of integration, where persons inside can tap into each others abilities and skills.
Co-aware – see co-conscious
Co-conscious – when several personalities are aware of each other, what  is happening, and what others are doing. Often shortened to co-con.
Co-hosting – where two or more person is out and in control of the body.
Core/Original – The original personality, born with the body. This is sometimes the main personality. Also referred to as host.
Cross-gender – Persons in a DID system who are the opposite gender to the body. Also referred to as opposite gender.
Dissociation –  An experience where a person may feel disconnected from himself and/or his surroundings.
Emotional/Memory Bleedthrough – when one or more system member experiences emotions or memories that are not there own and have come from a different system member.
Fragment – An “incomplete alter”, or a kind of extreme form of compartmentalization of thought and action. Often holds a single memory, handles a single emotion or does a specific task.
Fronting – being out, and in control of the body and able to interact with the world
Gatekeeper – a person with-in a DID system who can control who is in or out.
Hosting – see fronting/out.
Integrate – where two or more people in a multiple system merge into one.
Internal Self-Helper – ISH, generally a protector, a leader in the system who knows who everyone is and works to maintain stability and help everyone. Doesn’t usually come out very often.
Inside – the internal world where alters can be when not interacting with the outside world.
Insider – A person in a DID system, also referred to as an alter.
Introject – an alter who has split off to represent an outside person (can be fictional or a real person)
Little – a young personality, usually under 7 years old.
Main – The person out most often. This is sometimes, but not always, the original person.
Middle – a young personality, usually not a teenager, but over 7 years old.
Multie/Multiple – a person who has more than personality living in their body.
Out – also referred to as fronting and hosting
Otherkin – A non-human person with-in a DID system. (e.g. animal, mythical creature, non-physical being). a borrowed term from people who don’t identify as human.
Persecutor – Persons with-in a DID system who accept, hold, process and express forbidden negative emotions such as identification with abusers. This is done generally with the intention of protection, but non-conventional methods are often used which can sometimes end up harming the system.
Programmed/Controlled Alters – typically seen in ritual abuse/organized abuse, these are people in DID systems who are programmed to return to the abuser(s) or programmed to believe certain things. Usually, they are very well-hidden and separate from the rest of the system.
Protector – a person with-in a DID system who’s role is to protect the system. There are various different types of protectors e.g. emotional, physical, sexual, internal
P.T.S.D – Post Traumatic Stress Disorder
Secret Keeper – alters who keep information of abuse or other information away from the system
Singleton/Singlet – a single personality, single body person; a “normal” person. Also referred to as Single Personality Disorder.
Split – the level of dissociation which causes “creation” of another person inside.
Sub-system – Used to describe a specific group of people inside who are often separated from others inside in a certain manner.
Switch – the change in who is out; where another person comes out.
Switchy – the feeling that you’re about to switch
System – a collective term to describe everyone inside. It is possible to have multiple systems, these are referred to as sub-systems.
Teen – a teenage person in a DID system
Trigger – anything that sets a series of thoughts in motion or reminds a person of some aspect of their traumatic past, and could cause a response such as panic attacks, flashbacks or another type of stress. When something is written that could cause a trigger, it will be marked as a TW or Trigger Warning to forewarn others

Borderline Personality Disorder Terms

Splitting: Splitting in BPD involves a switch between idealizing and demonizing others; seeing things as either black or white but unable to see the grey area.

6 thoughts on “Glossary of did terminology”

  1. This is really interesting, thank you.
    I have an ISH called Jack, I think I said to Bourban before I didn’t know he was part of the system because he doesn’t come out much, but knows how to deal with me and Charlotte:D xox

      1. I think it does. I definitly have one other personality, Jack is just an insider and never comes out. I haven’t been diagnosed with DID but I’m not sure my psychiatrist believes when I say Charlotte takes over. Oh well……. xox

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Living life with dissociative identity disorder and complex PTSD