Category Archives: Updates


My blog URL has changed. I wanted to encorporate my disability in to my blog with my mental illness…so I have a blog now for both. Feel free to follow me there.

the blog is similar to this one but with more details about disabilities, mainly blindness, as it says, a day in the life, i’ll talk about my life, so if your interested in coming along for the ride please do!

thanks all for reading…

Sunday updates

Well there isnt much up with me today. we had a pretty rough night last night, and we didnt sleep very well at all. woke up at 4 AM, went to the bathroom, and was going to get up then but decided I’d try to go back to bed and sleep for a little bit longer. I did finally manage a little more sleep and eventually got up at 8 when Nitro was starting to get restless, probably he was hungry for his breakfast. actually managed to eat breakfast which i’ve been trying to do lately but I havent been succeeding every day. caught up on email then and read some on facebook. i was reading facebook on my iphone but it seems the newsfeed is all messed up, with the newest stories not appearing first, does anyone know a way to make the stories on your time line appear in the order in which they were posted? after I finished reading facebook mom put a color in my hair. i had lots of greys and they needed to be covered up. now my hair looks really rich again. i’m really pleased with how it came out. dad was cooking dinner while we did that. we had pork today. dad always cooks dinner on sundays. we’ve just finished eating it now and it was so good. no plans for the rest of the afternoon. dads going to the hospital to visit his brother, whose still in there. he’s there almost 9 weeks now. our grandad is also not doing very well. we all think it wont be too long now and he’ll die. he’s getting worse and worse every day. i was talking to dr barry the other day and she asked me if he’d started to get confused yet. he has. she said once the confusion sets in that the end is very near. i’ll probably stay at our parents again tonight and go home tomorrow morning. i stayed last night too. emotionally i’m feeling mostly ok today. it seems to be at night my emotions get the better of me and i fall apart. if i keep distracted during the day i tend to do better.