Hospitalisations in 2014

So 2014 is almost over. Its been a rollercoaster of a year. So much has happened to us during 2014. There were a lot of hospitalisations during 2014, moreso than other years, I think before this year we hadn’t been in hospital a lot, maybe once or twice since 2010 but not more than that. This was a particularly difficult year for us with lots of new memories coming up, and with being revictimised by past abusers. Also two of our hospitalisations this year were in a secure locked unit, which was a rather traumatic experience and one I don’t fancy repeating any time soon. We were in hospital for our birthday too this year which was really difficult. We’ve only ever been in on our birthday one other year and that was about 7 or 8 years ago. Our relationship with our psychiatrist has really flourished this year. It seems as if we’ve been seeing her forever, when in actuality its only been just over a year. It helped that when we were in hospital she did things to strengthen our attachment to her…like, for example seeing us by herself, making time to see us on her days off, etc. I really hope that next year we can manage to stay out of the hospital completely, that is my goal…whether it actually happens or not I suppose we’ll just have to wait and see. We haven’t been in since August though which is a really positive step I think.

Carol anne

8 thoughts on “Hospitalisations in 2014”

  1. It sounds like you are entering the New Year in a very positive manner–wonderful that you connect with your therapist! She’s taken the time to build trust, which is so difficult for some of us. Many many good thoughts that you will continue to see good things happen!

    1. Thank you Mandy! Both our therapist and our psychiatrist are wonderful and really make the effort with us in regards to our treatment. I am fortunate to have them as part of our treatment team. XX

  2. I am so sorry that you spent so much time in the hospital this year and that you were revictimized. No doubt as memories come back, the hospital can keep you safe. Glad to hear that your psychiatrist is helping you heal. May 2015 be a healing year.

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