
This morning I am missing people from my past. I feel I need to grieve these people. One is a therapist. We saw her for four and ahalf years, and while we never knew where we stood boundary wise, she also really helped us in many ways. Our relationship ended quickly, without much closure. Today we miss her. I also miss other people who arent in our lives any more. Like for example, our dear gramma who died when we were 14, our best friend from childhood, who we still see occasionally but we just dont have that special relationship any more. I also miss my best childhood friend from the boarding school, I dont see her either as much as I’d like to. We were so close when we were in school. Its hard feeling the grief associated with missing these people. I’d rather feel numb than to process this awful grief. Thank god I have a phone check in with our therapist this evening. I feel like I really need her right now. I need her to tell me its going to be ok, that I’m going to be ok, that we’re going to be ok and we can get through this too.
Carol anne

4 thoughts on “Grief”

  1. I’m sorry you’re missing so many people and grieving for them right now. I do know how hard that it as I, too, grieve many people who I’ve lost. It will get better though….they say ‘time heals’ but I’m glad you have your therapist to talk to this evening. Take care. Hugs, Ellie xxx ❤

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